Personal Data Policy

We are FOODMENT S.A.S. BIC, we act as DATA CONTROLLERS. Therefore, we decided about the processing of your personal data. On some occasions, we may also act as MANAGER OF THE PROCESSING, that is, we will carry out the PROCESSING of your PERSONAL DATA on behalf of a RESPONSIBLE. All this will be informed to you in advance, expressly and informed.
If you are a business, write the story of your beginning and your growth. Explain your benefits and your commitment to your customers. Add a photo, image gallery or video to create interest and make it personal and interactive.
In this Personal Data Processing Policy you can find:
What type of personal data does FOODMENT S.A.S process? BIC.
What is the treatment that FOODMENT S.A.S. BIC gives personal data.
Who is the person in charge of responding to requests, queries and complaints and willing to exercise the right of habeas data of the owners.
What personal information, if any, FOODMENT S.A.S. may share. BIC with third parties and the conditions that are met to guarantee the protection of information.
What are the rights of the owners.
What duties does FOODMENT S.A.S perform? BIC as responsible for the processing of the personal data of the owners.
What rights do I have as the OWNER of PERSONAL DATA?
How do I exercise my rights?
As the OWNER of PERSONAL DATA, you have the right to: a) know, update and rectify your PERSONAL DATA; b) request proof of the authorization granted; c) be informed, upon request, regarding the use that has been given to your DATA PERSONAL; d) present complaints to the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce for violations of the provisions of the law; e) revoke the authorization and/or request the deletion of your PERSONAL DATA; and f) access their PERSONAL DATA that has been processed.
To exercise your rights as the owner of PERSONAL DATA, you may contact our Protection Officer Data, responsible for handling your queries, complaints, requests for rectification, updating and deletion. You will be able to submit an express request to the email, following the instructions in chapter VIII of the Personal Data Processing Policy.
What treatment do we give to your PERSONAL DATA?
We will process your PERSONAL DATA for the fulfillment of our corporate purpose, among others, for the following purposes: i) registration on our platform; ii) provide services and carry out accounting, fiscal and administrative management relevant for the management of the contractual relationship that arises; iii) inform about our services; iii) send you emails emails, text messages, contact you by telephone to respond to requests submitted through the website; among other purposes that will be informed in this Personal Data Processing Policy and at the time of that we request authorization to process them.
Yes, your PERSONAL DATA may be transmitted or transferred for the purpose of enabling the operation between us as operators of the website and facilitate its operation and for other purposes that will be informed to you.
What are our service channels for the exercise of the rights of the OWNERS?
Foodment has established the following service channels for the OWNERS to exercise their rights:
a) Email:
b) Through a written request filed in physical form to the address Carrera 7 # 80-49 Of. 504
Personal Data Processing Policy
Foodment is the data controller, a commercial entity established under Colombian laws, whose main purpose is to design, build, and implement sustainable ecosystems on technological platforms applied to the organizational value chain. This is done to quantify the triple impact (environmental, social, and economic) through reliable and transparent traceability of assets. In practical terms, a sustainable ecosystem is one where its participants constantly share information about their individual productivity, operations, and other relevant aspects, with the goal of achieving a chain reaction that enables comprehensive sustainable development. The information for Foodment is as follows:
Business name: FOODMENT S.A.S. BIC
Tax Identification Number (NIT): 901.375.706-9
Main address: Carrera 7 # 80-49 Of. 504
Foodment adopts the Personal Data Treatment Policy (PTDP) to ensure the protection of the fundamental rights of data subjects in personal data processing.
The objective of the PTDP is to develop and establish guidelines and policies that will govern the Processing of Personal Data by Foodment, especially of users of the website (hereinafter the "Website"). This PTDP includes: a) The Processing to which Personal Data are subjected; b) The rights of the data subjects; c) The person in charge or responsible area and the procedures for handling requests, inquiries, and complaints so that data subjects can exercise their rights to know, update, rectify, and delete, as well as revoke the Authorization; d) The effective date of the PTDP; and e) Other policies and guidelines followed by Foodment to ensure the full exercise of the right to habeas data.
The application of this PTDP covers all Personal Data that Foodment processes in the course of its activities and its corporate purpose, including the commercial relationship with clients, hiring of personnel, engagement of suppliers, and all other activities carried out in accordance with its corporate purpose. Workers, collaborators, representatives, contractors, allies, or third parties acting on behalf and on behalf of Foodment are obliged to comply with and apply all the provisions of the PTDP. Foodment limits access to the Personal Data of the data subjects to authorized collaborators, who may carry out the Processing for purposes authorized by the data subject or defined by law. Foodment will make its best professional effort to maintain under adequate standards of quality, protection, and information security, all the Personal Data received from data subjects, especially Sensitive Data or Personal Data of children, girls, and adolescents. Likewise, it will seek to ensure that the Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data collected have the technical and legal protection necessary to guarantee their security, integrity, access, and confidentiality. Data subjects expressly authorize Foodment to store their Personal Data and/or Sensitive Data (whose delivery is optional) in the manner it considers most appropriate and comply with the security required for the protection of Personal Data according to normal and reasonable standards applicable to Foodment.
Without prejudice to other definitions found in Law 1581 of 2012 and its related regulations, in accordance with current regulations, the following definitions will apply:
"Authorization": Prior, express, and informed consent of the data subject for Foodment to carry out the Processing of their Personal Data, which may be requested through different mechanisms and technical means and may be, (i) in writing; (ii) orally, or (iii) through unequivocal conduct of the data subject that reasonably indicates that the authorization has been granted. In no case can silence be assimilated to unequivocal conduct. The Authorization may be obtained through a physical document, digital, data message, website, verbally, or by telephone, or in any other format that allows preserving evidence.
"Privacy Notice": Verbal or written communication generated by Foodment, addressed to the data subject for the Processing of their personal data, through which they are informed about the existence of the PTDP, how to access the PTDP, and the purposes of the Processing that Foodment will give to Personal Data.
"Database": An organized set of Personal Data that will be the subject of Processing.
"Personal Data": Any information linked or that can be associated with one or more natural persons.
"Public Data": Data that is not semi-private, private, or sensitive. Public Data includes, among others, data related to the civil status of individuals, their profession or occupation, and their status as a merchant or public servant. By their nature, Public Data may be contained, among others, in public records, public documents, official gazettes and bulletins, and duly executed judicial decisions not subject to reservation.
"Sensitive Data": Those that affect the privacy of the data subject or whose misuse may lead to their discrimination, such as those revealing racial or ethnic origin, political orientation, religious or philosophical convictions, membership in unions, social organizations, human rights organizations, or that promote the interests of any political party or guarantee the rights and guarantees of opposition political parties, as well as data related to health, sexual life, and biometric data. The delivery of Sensitive Data is optional, and the data subject is not obliged to answer questions about Sensitive Data.
"Processor": Natural or legal person, public or private, who, alone or in association with others, carries out the Processing of personal data on behalf of the Data Controller; Foodment may be the Processor.
"Data Controller": Natural or legal person, public or private, who, alone or in association with others, decides on the Database and/or the Processing of Personal Data; for the purposes of the PTDP, when referring to the Data Controller, it refers to Foodment.
"Data Subject": Natural person whose Personal Data are the subject of Processing.
"Transfer": Operation that will take place when the Data Controller and/or Processor sends Personal Data to a recipient, who in turn is a Data Controller and is located inside or outside the country.
"Transmission": Operation that implies the communication of Personal Data within or outside the territory of the country when it has the purpose of carrying out Processing by the Processor on behalf of the Data Controller.
"Treatment": Any operation or set of operations on Personal Data, such as collection, storage, use, circulation, or deletion.**
The Processing of Personal Data by Foodment will adhere to the following principles:
Principle of Legality in Data Processing: The Processing of Personal Data by Foodment will be carried out in a lawful manner, respecting the Authorization of the data subject and in compliance with current regulations.
Principle of Purpose: The Processing of Personal Data will be guided by the purposes established in the Authorization granted by the data subject, and the processing will not exceed the purposes that justified the Processing.
Principle of Freedom: The Processing can only be carried out with the prior, express, and informed consent of the data subject. Personal Data may not be obtained or disclosed without prior Authorization, or in the absence of a legal or judicial mandate that relieves the consent.
Principle of Truthfulness or Quality: The information subject to Processing must be truthful, complete, accurate, updated, verifiable, and understandable. Processing of partial, incomplete, fractional, or misleading data is prohibited.
Principle of Transparency: In the Processing of Personal Data, Foodment will guarantee the data subject the right to obtain information about the existence of PTDP and the purposes of the Processing, through the Privacy Notice, and this information will be made available in the terms of the PTDP.
Principle of Access and Restricted Circulation: Personal Data, except for public information, may not be available on the Internet or other means of dissemination or mass communication, unless access is technically controllable to provide restricted knowledge only to data subjects or authorized third parties.
Principle of Security: The information subject to Processing by Foodment will be handled with the technical, human, and administrative measures necessary to grant security to the records, avoiding their adulteration, loss, consultation, use, or unauthorized or fraudulent access.
Principle of Confidentiality: All persons who intervene in the Processing of Personal Data are obliged to guarantee the confidentiality of the information, even after the end of their relationship with any of the tasks included in the Processing.
Principle of Accountability: The Data Controller, who is Foodment, is accountable for ensuring that the Processing of Personal Data complies with the current regulations.
Foodment recognizes the following rights of data subjects:
Know, update, and rectify their Personal Data in the face of the Data Controller or Processor. This right may be exercised, among others, against partial, inaccurate, incomplete, fractional, misleading data, or those whose Processing is expressly prohibited or has not been authorized;
Request proof of the Authorization granted to the Data Controller unless expressly exempted as a requirement for Processing, in accordance with current regulations;
Be informed by the Data Controller or the Processor, upon request, regarding the use that has been given to their Personal Data;
Submit inquiries to the Data Controller or Processor about the use given to their Personal Data;
Revoke the Authorization and/or request the deletion of the Personal Data when the principles, rights, and constitutional and legal guarantees are not respected in the Processing. The revocation and/or deletion will proceed when the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce has determined that in the Processing, Foodment or the person in charge has engaged in conduct contrary to this law and the Constitution;
Access free of charge to their Personal Data that have been subject to Processing.
The types of Personal Data that Foodment may process include, but are not limited to:
Identification data such as name, identification number, address, telephone number, email, and other contact information;
Financial and transactional data, such as bank account details;
Data related to employment, such as resumes and other information provided by job applicants;
Data related to customers and suppliers, such as business contact information;
Other types of data necessary for the fulfillment of the corporate purpose of Foodment and in compliance with legal requirements.
Foodment will process Personal Data for the following purposes:
Developing, maintaining, and managing the commercial relationship with customers, suppliers, and other business partners;
Managing employment relationships and personnel administration;
Complying with legal obligations and requirements;
Other purposes related to the corporate purpose of Foodment and permitted by law.
Foodment will obtain the Authorization of data subjects for the Processing of their Personal Data through the mechanisms established in current regulations.
Foodment will designate a person or area responsible for processing Personal Data, who will be in charge of handling requests, inquiries, and complaints related to the Processing of Personal Data. The person in charge can be contacted at the email address
Data subjects may submit requests, inquiries, and complaints related to the Processing of Personal Data by Foodment to the person in charge designated by Foodment, who will address and respond to these requests in accordance with the procedures established in the PTDP.
This PTDP will be effective from the date of its approval by Foodment. Any modification or update to the PTDP will be communicated to the data subjects through the Privacy Notice or other means determined by Foodment.
Foodment may establish and communicate to data subjects other policies and guidelines related to the Processing of Personal Data, with the aim of ensuring the full exercise of the right to habeas data.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions or if there's anything else I can do for you.
Submission of application to Treatment Officer Personal information
Any request related to the Processing of Personal Data must be sent to the Personal Data Protection Officer to begin the process according to the type of request
Request Classification
Once the request is received, the Personal Data Protection Officer classifies whether it is a query or a claim
Application Registration
The Personal Data Protection Officer carries out the registration of the request and leaves a record within the support Database application document.
Application process
The Personal Data Protection Officer will respond by means that has been requested or to the address indicated by the Owner. The answer must be issued within a period of ten (10) business days from the date of receipt thereof.
Expansion of the term (If necessary)
The Owner is informed of the reasons why it is not possible to attend to the request within the term indicated above, indicating to the Owner that the Response to your request will be given within five (5) business days following.
Query Response
Send the response and leave a record for the National Registry of Bases of Data.
Information Verification
It is verified that the information is what is required to manage the claim.
Incomplete information
The Holder is informed of the missing requirements within five (5) days following receipt of the claim, indicating that, if no response is given in the next two (2) months, the request will be deemed withdrawn.
Complete information
If the request meets all the requirements, the attention process begins and the application is approved. Label the information with the description “CLAIM IN PROCESS”.
Application process
Once the information is verified, the Personal Data Protection Officer will give response by the means requested or to the address you have indicated the owner. The response must be issued within a period of fifteen (15) days business days counted from the date of receipt thereof.
Extension of the term
The Owner is informed of the reasons why it is not possible to attend to the request within the term indicated above, indicating to the Owner that extends the period for eight (8) additional business days and indicates the date of answer.
Response to the Complaint
Send the response and record it. If the claim proceeds, complies with what is requested by the Owner. If the claim is not applicable, the response is the applicant with the arguments.
Foodment is committed to the correct Processing of Personal Data contained in its Databases and files, avoiding unauthorized access to third parties who may know, violate, modify, disclose or destroy the information stored there; for which it has adopted technical, human and administrative measures that provide security to the Food Databases and files, through the Manual of Internal Policies and Procedures for the Protection of Personal Data.
This PTDP will come into effect on April 1, 2022. It will be published at Foodment's physical facilities, located at Carrera 7 # 80-49 Of. 504 of the city of Bogotá and on the Website.
Without prejudice to the constitutional rights and the applicable legal and regulatory provisions, especially those contained in Law 1581 of 2012, and Decree 1377 of 2013 (compiled in Decree 1074 of 2015), Foodment may modify at any time moment this PTDP. Such modifications will be informed to the Owners through any other targeted or mass non-directed dissemination mechanism. The modification control is as follows:
Personal Data will be processed for the time reasonable and necessary for the purpose for which it was collected or collected. Once the purpose or purposes of the Treatment, without prejudice to whether there is a legal duty or rule that indicates otherwise, Foodment will delete the Personal Data.